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Property Auctions

Timed auctions

We sell properties through our Timed Auctions every day. There’s always a wide range of lots on our website waiting for your bid, including everything from quaint country cottages to warehouses. You can find a selection of the lots currently open to bidding below – one of them might be the property you’re searching for.

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Retail Property (High Street) in Rotherham

Retail Property (High Street) in Rotherham

47 Barnsley Road, Goldthorpe, Rotherham S63 9LT

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Auction ends

24th Oct 2024 at 2.00pm

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Block of Apartments in Manchester

Block of Apartments in Manchester

18 Russell Avenue, Manchester M16 8JQ

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Auction ends

24th Oct 2024 at 2.00pm

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Cottage in Pickering

Cottage in Pickering

Hemdin Cottage, Barnes Yard, Maltongate, Thornton-Le-Dale, Pickering YO18 7SB

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Auction ends

24th Oct 2024 at 2.00pm

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Ground Floor Flat in Leeds

Ground Floor Flat in Leeds

Flat 39, Whingate Mill, Whingate, Leeds LS12 3UH

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Auction ends

25th Oct 2024 at 12.00pm

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Live streamed auctions

  • National Property Auction

    Wednesday 23rd October

    The National Property Auction will be broadcast live on our website and open to remote bidding online, on the phone and by proxy. Registration for bidding will close at 5pm the day before the auction.

  • National Property Auction

    Thursday 21st November

    The National Property Auction will be broadcast live on our website and open to remote bidding online, on the phone and by proxy. Registration for bidding will close at 5pm the day before the auction.

  • National Property Auction

    Tuesday 10th December

    The National Property Auction will be broadcast live on our website and open to remote bidding online, on the phone and by proxy. Registration for bidding will close at 5pm the day before the auction.